Culturamartell | Val Martello

How to reach Culturamartell

The visitor center culturamartell is situated in the Martell Valley. 
It presents itself as a ‘modern’ folk museum, which introduces visitors to the farming and cultural landscape of the region. The exhibition shows amongst other things a mountain farmhouse as a model for a self-sufficient business and talks about the life of its inhabitants from the day they were born to their dying day.

Culturamartell offers:

  • A continuous exhibition ‘In Martell in mein Tol’ (lit: In Martell, my valley)
  • Special exhibition with several themes
  • Entertainment and sports opportunities in the sports and leisure centre facility of Trattla. With bar, climbing hall, crazy golf facility, fish pond and playgrounds.

Opening hours: 
Summer (May 2 – October 31)
Tuesday – Saturday: 9.30am – 12.30pm & 2.30pm – 6pm
July and August additionally open Sunday from 2.30pm – 6pm
Guided tour of the exhibitions by appointment.


Adults 3,00 €
Family ticket or Mini-Family ticket 7,00 € or 4,00 €
Children, seniors (over 65 years) 2,00€
School classes
Guided groups (10 and up to 25 people)
1€ in addition to the ticket price

Nationalparkhaus culturamartell
Trattla 246
39020 Martello
+39 0473 745027