Forte Castle | Ponte Gardena

How to reach the Forte Castle

One of the South Tyrols most magnificent fortress complexes, Forte Castle was built at the end of the 12th century and then enlarged and fortified in the 16th century. It has a stupendous
late-Renaissance hall in addition to a vaulted Gothic Stube. This is where the famous medieval poet Oswald von Wolkenstein lived.

Opening hours:
September – October
Tuesday – Sunday: 11am, 2pm and 3pm
Mondays closed


Adults 8,00 €
Children up to 14 years 5,00 €
Children up to 6 years free
Students, Seniors of 65 years or over

Note: Guided tours only
Free entry with Museumcard or Museumobil-Card

Forte Castle
Burgfrieden-Weg 22
39040 Ponte Gardena
+39 0471-654401