Ice skating on the Laghetto di Fiè | Fiè allo Sciliar

How to reach the laghetto di Fiè

In winter, the Laghetto di Fiè becomes a skating rink for young and old alike. Ice skating is twice as much fun against the backdrop of the impressive Sciliar/Schlern mountain. At the height of the winter season, children get together on the Laghetto di Fiè in the afternoons to take a turn on the ice in the skates they were given for Christmas. The idyllic location at the foot of the mighty Sciliar mountain is also a magnet for nature lovers in winter. The sun generally shines here and keeping active means that visitors have great fun here, despite the bitter frost.

Note: Please make sure if the iced surface is accessible and safe. Ice skating on the laghetto di Fiè is at everyone’s own risk.

Please check this website for detailed information on opening hours and prices.


Tourist information Fiè allo Sciliar
Via Bolzano 4
39050 Fiè allo Sciliar
+39 0471 725047