Velturno castle | Velturno

How to reach the Velturno castle

Velturno Castle is a historical monument of a special kind. It was built around 1580 as a summer residence for the prince bishop of Brixen, Johann Thomas von Spaur. What is unusual is not so much the design as the furnishings. The ten rooms are decorated with original wall panelling and murals, which show Velthurns as one of the best preserved Renaissance residences in the Alps.
Once an aviary was attached to the castle, which also served as a deer garden. In 1978 it passed into the possession of the Province of South Tyrol and was renovated in 1979.

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday fro 1 pm to 5 pm
Saturday to Sunday from 10 am to 12 am
Closed on the 1st of November

Guidet tours:
Guided tours from 15th March to 15th November at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 2.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m., in July and August tours are also given at 4.30 p.m.
Visits for groups also available at other times.
Closed on Mondays.

Entry fee:

Adults 5,00 €
family ticket (parents and children up to 1 years) 10,00 €
1 parent and children up to 14 years 5,00€
children up to 6 years  free entry
students up to 18 years 3,00€
Groups of 15 people 3,50€
senior citizens aged 65 3,50€

Schloss Velthurns
Dorf 1
39040 Feldthurns
+39 0472-855525