Jaufenburg Castle | S. Leonardo in Passiria

How to reach the Jaufenburg Castle

The castle complex from the late Middle Ages once guarded the way to the Jaufen Pass. The oldest part, the detached keep, is the only part of the old castle that has been preserved. It was built in the middle of the 13th century by the Lords of Passeier as a residential tower. All later additions, including several buildings and a defensive wall, collapsed from the 18th century onwards.

The five-storey tower has been beautifully renovated and has been a branch of the Passeier Museum since 2003. On the individual floors there are small exhibitions about the history of the castle, about the Schildhöfe typical for the Passeier valley and about two influential families, the lords of Passeier and Count Fuchs. They provided judges, judges and church bailiffs and determined life in the valley for centuries. On the fourth floor, the Renaissance paintings of the famous painter Bartlme Dill Riemenschneider from 1538 are impressive. On the top floor, finally, with an impressive view over the entire valley to Meran, there is an audio station with numerous legends entwined around the Jaufenburg.

A little below the Jaufenburg stands the small church of the Holy Cross, a delicate late Gothic building commissioned by the lords of the Jaufenburg. The frescoes date from around 1550.

Entry Fees:

Adults 2,00 €
Children from 6 years 1,00 €
Groups from 10 persons 2,00 € Surcharge per person

Opening hours:
June to September
Mondays from 10 am to 1 pm

via Passiria 72
39015 S. Leonardo in Passiria
+39 0473-659086

Schlandersburg Castle | Silandro

How to reach Schlandersburg Castle

Schlandersburg Castle was built around 1600 as the residence of the Hendl aristocrats. The castle was later enlarged thus becoming one of the most important Renaissance edifices in the entire Venosta Valley. In 1988, the castle was placed under the administration of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and today it houses a public library in addition to the Employment offices and those of the Forestry Department – and the Menhir exhibition.

In 2013, two menhirs dating to the Copper Age were recovered from pieces of marble during the conversion work for a gardening shop in Vezzano/Vetzan, near Silandro/Schlanders. Since March 2017, the menhirs have been showcased at Schlandersburg Castle as part of a comprehensive thematic exhibition. In addition to these two original pieces, eighteen abstract pictorial figures made of metal are also displayed, which represent the eighteen menhirs found in South Tyrol and Trentino in recent decades.

The two unique sculptures, with male and female attributes respectively, give us an intriguing insight into the history of the area. The male sculpture is over 3 m in height, and wears a belt from which the handle of a dagger sticks out. The female menhir wears a robe and a necklace. The original set-up of these two sculptures can no longer be recovered; most likely they formed part of a larger group of figures.

Opening hours of the exhibition:
Mon – Fri: 9am – 12am & 2pm – 6pm
Sat. 9am – 12am

Velturno castle | Velturno

How to reach the Velturno castle

Velturno Castle is a historical monument of a special kind. It was built around 1580 as a summer residence for the prince bishop of Brixen, Johann Thomas von Spaur. What is unusual is not so much the design as the furnishings. The ten rooms are decorated with original wall panelling and murals, which show Velthurns as one of the best preserved Renaissance residences in the Alps.
Once an aviary was attached to the castle, which also served as a deer garden. In 1978 it passed into the possession of the Province of South Tyrol and was renovated in 1979.

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday fro 1 pm to 5 pm
Saturday to Sunday from 10 am to 12 am
Closed on the 1st of November

Guidet tours:
Guided tours from 15th March to 15th November at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 2.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m., in July and August tours are also given at 4.30 p.m.
Visits for groups also available at other times.
Closed on Mondays.

Entry fee:

Adults 5,00 €
family ticket (parents and children up to 1 years) 10,00 €
1 parent and children up to 14 years 5,00€
children up to 6 years  free entry
students up to 18 years 3,00€
Groups of 15 people 3,50€
senior citizens aged 65 3,50€

Schloss Velthurns
Dorf 1
39040 Feldthurns
+39 0472-855525

Castle Annenberg | Val Martello

How to reach Castle Annenberg

Dating from the 13th century, with gothic chapel from the 15th century. Was the property of the Lords von Matsch (choir stall and altar are in the regional museum in Innsbruck). Later the castle became the property of the Counts von Annenberg. Cannot be viewed interior – private property.

Opening hours:

Castle Annenberg
Via Principale 38/A
39021, Laces

The Capuchin church | Chiusa

How to reach The Capuchin church

The Capuchin church goes also back to the donation of the Spanish queen Maria Anna (1667-1740) at the request of Father Gabriel Pontifeser (1653-1706). The church was built like the monastery between 1699 and 1701. It is, in its simplicity, a fine example of the Order’s architecture. In a niche above the main portal the marble statue of St Felix of Cantalice rises, patron saint of the church, with two angels by his side carrying the insignia of the Spanish royal family.

The altarpieces of both main and side altar were created by Lombard painter and engraver Paolo Pagani (1655-1716), who was active at numerous European courts and is referred to as the “painter of the Spanish Queen” in various documents. Both works were completed in 1702. The two side altars had originally been attributed to Carlo Cignani. Today, we know the first altarpiece was created by an unknown artist of assumingly local origin, while the second is by Lombard painter Stefano Maria Legnani (1661-1713). Legnani gives a brilliant example of the neo-classical Bolognese School and Roman influence.

Opening hours:
24. March to 3. November 2019:
Tuesday to Saturday
9:30 am – 12 am and 3:30 pm – 6 pm

Access through the City museum

Free entry!

The Capuchin church
Frag 1
39043 Klausen
+39 0472-846148


The Kastelbell Castle | Castelbello

How to reach The Kastelbell Castle

The picturesque Kastelbell Castle, first mentioned in 1238, was built by the Lords of Montalban. Majestically, it is situated on a cliff on the left bank of the Adige River. Because of its exposed position, the castle had to be protected by strong fortifications, which needed to be remodernized over the years. In 1813 and 1824, the castle was largely destroyed by fire. The Counts of Hendl rebuilt only a small part for residential purposes. At the end of a protracted court process held over decades between Count Siegmund von Hendl and the Republic of Italy for the possession of the castle, eventually a settlement was reached. This allowed the State to acquire the castle.

The Kastelbell Castle is the cultural center of the village. In addition to permanent exhibitions in Spring and Autumn, alternating art exhibitions take place here.

guided tours:
from 26. June to 09. September
Tuesday – Sunday
11 am, 2 pm, 3 pm and 4 pm

Kastelbell Castle
39020 Kastelbell – Ciardes
+39 0473-624193

Castle Vorst | Lagundo

How to reach Castle Vorst

To the right-hand side of Tyrol in Lagundo is a small fortress – the Forst Castle. It was built in the 13th century and first documented in 1302. The building was later extended in the 16th century. In 1880 it was restored for the second time by the Lords of Vorst, noble officials from Tyrol. The current owners of the castle are from the Forst brewery, located just a few metres away.

The castle is not open to the public but it can still be admired from the outside.


Castle Vorst
39022 Lagundo
+39 0473 448600

Tyrol Castle | Tirolo

How to reach Tyrol Castle

Tyrol Castle is the most historically significant castle in South Tyrol. Its origins stretch back into the late 11th century.

Since 2003 Tyrol Castle has housed the South Tyrolean Museum of History. Its main focus is the history of the province from its beginnings to modern times.

The oldest structural elements can be found in church excavations in the outer bailey (three building phases, three-apse chamber from the 9th century). The south palace contains the two Romanesque portals. The two-storey castle chapel is dedicated to St. Pancras and is famous for its gothic frescoes. What is believed to be the wedding chamber of Countess Margarethe of Tyrol, known as Maultasch (literally “bag mouth”), is situated in the Mushaus. The keep, which was only completed after 1902, now houses an exhibition of the history of the 20th century depicted over twenty separate levels. The historic estate buildings house special exhibitions.

Opening hours:
March 15th – December 8th:
Wednesday to Sunday from 10am to 5pm
Monday and Tuesday closed


Adults 7,00 €
Family (2 adults with children up to 14 years) 14,00 €
Small family (1 adult with children up to 14 years) 7,00€
Groups of 15+ people  4,90€
Seniors from 65 years 4,90€
Students and apprentices up to 27 years 3,50€
School parties (primary, middle, vocational and high schools) 1,50€
Children up to 6 years free
Additional charge for guided tours 2,00€ per person


Tyrol Castle
Via del Castello 24
39019 Tirolo
+39 0473 220221

Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle | Merano

How to reach the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle

The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle, located in the town of Merano (Meran) in northern Italy, is a botanical garden nestled into a twelve-hectare amphitheater with an altitude differential of 100 meters. Trauttmansdorff offers spectacular views of exotic gardens and breathtaking vistas of the surrounding mountains and the spa resort town of Merano.

Colorful plants from all around the world thrive and bloom in Trauttmansdorff’s more than eighty garden landscapes. Ideal for both children and adults as well as for botany experts and laymen alike, the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle is a unique blend of botanical gardens and recreational attractions. Multifaceted Experience Stations, spectacular themed gardens, Artist Pavilions, and intriguing animals turn the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle – within easy walking distance from Merano – into a colorful world where visitors enjoy a variety of different experiences.

The Touriseum, South Tyrol’s Province Museum of Tourism, covers 200 years of tourism history in Tyrol and Merano in a very engaging way.

Attraction nearby:
– Touriseum | Merano

Please check this website for detailed information on opening hours and prices.



The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle
St.-Valentin-Str. 51a
39012 Merano
+39 0473 255600

Castle Scena | Scena

How to reach Castle Schenna

The mighty buildings of Castle Schenna just above the city of Meran are still partly surrounded by a moat. Using the bridge, you will come to the entrance of Castle Schenna and from there, if you pass the dungeon, you’ll arrive in the courtyard. An open staircase will lead you to the castle chambers. Castle Schenna in South Tyrol is open for guided tours. Only the wing containing the private rooms of the count’s family remains closed to the public. The halls and grand chambers are home to a painting and portrait gallery, a weapons collection, as well as numerous art-historic objects of Tyrolean history.

Opening hours:
1 April to  30. October
Visits only as guided tours on

From Tuesday to Friday
10.30am / 11.30am / 2pm / 3pm
Evening tour every Monday at 9pm


Adults 9,00 €
Children up to 14 years 3,00 €


Castle Schenna
Schlossweg 14
39017 Scena
+39 0473 945630