Mountain of Colle | Bolzano

How to reach the mountain of Colle

About 10 km from the centre of Bolzano, there is the little mountain village of Colle, representing a real oasis of calm for all those who simply would like to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. A winding mountain road takes to the mountain of Colle, moreover there is a cableway taking from Bolzano to the little mountain village. By the way the Colle funicular is one of the oldest cableways suspended in the air worldwide. Put in operation in 1908, new cabins were installed in 2007. This cableway takes you at 1.250 m asl and is a popular means for transport for those who aim at higher and cooler realms.
The little settlement, which is made up of Colle di Villa and Colle dei Signori is located in the heart of nature and is surrounded by fabulous forests and meadows. Moreover you can enjoy fantastic clear views, on the city of Bolzano as well as on parts of the Valle dell’Adige and the Oltradige.


Earth pyramids | Terento

How to reach the earth pyramids of Terento 

The formation of the earth pyramids of Terento probably dates back to 1837. The stream of Terner, following a very violent storm dragged away with it 3 houses, 16 mills, 13 pile drivers, the workshop of a blacksmith and a sawmill. 13 people died. It was on that occasion that part of the mountain probably collapsed. In the following decades the erosion involved two different debris rocks: from the material covered with blocks of rock formed the classic earth pyramids, while from the material without the presence of stones formed only ridges and coasts. Starting point: central car park Terento

Calvario mountain | Appiano

How to reach the Calvario mountain

It is definitely an attraction. If you come to the centre of S. Michele, the church at the top of the green hill above the village immediately catches your eyes. If you would like to walk to this place, take the trail of the stations to the cross, taking you to the top. The green hill is called Calvario mountain, boasting several rare natural monuments.

Behind the church, the Adige glacier left some clear marks. One of this marks belongs to the most beautiful in the area of Bolzano. Moreover the moraines, that is to say remnants of the glacier, offer perfect conditions for vineyards, which today yield fruit in this region.

In certain areas, the glacier has formed the stones in such a way, that the so called “devil chairs” developed, characterised by a chair-like structure. A path leads you to these special rock formations. When the ice was melting, the snow-water flowed down, causing this special forming of the porphyry and stone sculptures like the “devil chairs” developed. Enjoy your trip to the Calvario mountain!

Cima Tessa | Val Senales

How to reach Cima Tessa

The Cima di Tessa (3,318 m asl – Texelspitze in German), which gives its name to the mountain range to which it belongs to, is only over-towered by the neighbouring Monterosso (3,337 m asl). The Cima Tessa is located in Val Senales and can be scaled starting from the Val di Fosse, strictly speaking from the Vorderkaser farm (1,676 m asl). A narrow and steep mountain road takes with gradients of about 20% takes to this farm. From the Vorderkaser farm you can also scale the Similaun Glacier.

The Cima Tessa is less popular with mountaineers than with those who love ski touring and it is a well-frequented tour in late spring (April, May). This tour takes you to the Mitterkaser and further on towards the Eishof farm on 2,000 m asl. This is where you traverse the Rio di Fosse and walk on to the foot of the Monterosso, towards the Tessa Glacier. The great views you can enjoy in this tour are just amazing.

The pre-summit can be reached with skis, if you want to scale the summit, crampons are necessary. Caution: the direct and steep descent across the rift towards the Mitterkaser is reserved for experienced ski mountaineers.

Inichen Monastery Museum | San Candido

How to reach the Inichen Monastery Museum

The Monastery Museum contains religious art, the cathedral treasury, books from the 15th to the 18th centuries and a remarkable manuscript collection showing the intellectual and spiritual activities of Tyrol’s oldest friary. The second location, the Franciscan monastery (P.-P.-Rainerstraße 15, 39038 Innichen San Candido), holds many archaeological finds from Innichen/San Candido from the time of the Roman Empire as well as a collection of folk art.

Opening hours: 
June to mid October:
Tuesday to Saturday from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm

Entry fees: 

Adults 7,00 €
Children (6-12 years), seniors (over 60 years), students 4,00 €
Children under 6 years free
Groups over 15 years 1 free

Innichen Monastery Museum
Attostraße 2
39038 San Candido
+39 0474 913278

Gustav Mahler Zoo | Dobbiaco

How to reach the Gustav Mahler Zoo

Adventurous – this is the right word to describe the Gustav Mahler Zoo in the Val Pusteria hamlet of Carbonin Vecchia in the best possible way. In every season of the year this beautiful animal park in Dobbiaco with its two or four-legged attractions attracts above all the curiosity of many children. A truly wonderful excursion destination for the whole family!

Both big and small animal lovers can enjoy lynxes and cute donkeys, white feathered snow owls, raccoons or proud deer that live in the eleven hectare enclosure. In their hustle and bustle, you can also observe ibex and deer adorned with magnificent horns in summer and winter, or grunting pigs, bleating sheep and goats. The latter, in particular, are often unable to get enough of the food they can buy at the entrance and eagerly eat from their hands.

In addition to the main characters, the animals, the Gustav Mahler Game Park in Dobbiaco also offers other highlights. In the entrance area of the park a playground with slide and swing invites you to play with your little ones, while those interested in culture are recommended to visit Gustav Mahler’s former composer’s cottage. At the beginning of the 20th century, the German composer created many important works in the tranquil wooden house in the middle of the zoo, including the symphonic song cycle “Das Lied von der Erde”, which was premiered in Munich after his death in 1911.

Opening hours:
Monday-Sunday 9.30am – 5pm
Thursdays closed


Adults over 14 years 5,00 €
Children up to 13 years 2,50 €

Gustav Mahler Zoo
Altschluderbach 3
39034 Dobbiaco
+39 0474-972347

Fane Alpine village | Valles

How to reach the Fane Alpine village

The Fane Alpine village is considered the most beautiful Alpine hamlet of South Tyrol and is a family excursion destination all year.

The Fane Alpine village is a unique place in South Tyrol. This genuine Alpine village is located in the upper Val di Valles, surrounded by a backdrop without equals. Residential huts, hay huts, a little chapel and three mountain taverns – a total of approx. 30 buildings – form the idyllic hamlet.

Originally the Fane Alpine village was established as a lazaret for pest or cholera patients. Today, however, it represents one of the main family destinations of the area. By the way, it is also starting point for worthwhile mountain hikes, such as to Mt Picco della Croce (3,134 m asl), which is also the highest peaks in the surroundings of the hamlet. Of course also the Fane Alpine village itself is an ideal place for an excursion. Kids can play among in between the mountain huts, there is much space for them.

A highlight is undoubtedly the Alpine Village Festival and the Milk Festival. By the way, the Fane Alpine village can be reached also along the “Milk Trail”, which provides information on milk and cows. Moreover, in winter, it is the starting point for the popular touring ski race “Wurmaul-Umrundung”. Apropos winter: in the cold season, you can enjoy tobogganing, from the alpine pasture down into the village of Valles.


Almendorf Fane
39037 Vals
+39 0472 886048

Peace bell Plan de Corones | Val Pusteria

How to reach Peace bell

The crown of the Kronplatz: This is the mighty peace bell Concordia 2000, which is located at the top of the ski resort, directly above the 11 metre wide panoramic viewing platform. Perhaps a somewhat unusual place for a bell, but a truly wonderful place.

“Concordia 2000” was the name given to the magnificent bell on the 2,275 metre high Kronplatz, which was placed on the viewing platform at the summit by the municipalities of Bruneck, Olang and St. Vigil in Enneberg as a result of the 25th anniversary of the ski resort in 2003.

This peace bell with the Latin inscription “Donet deus populis pacem” reminds of the development pioneers of the Kronplatz and is dedicated to St. Bernhard, the patron saint of mountaineers and skiers.

With a weight of 18.1 tons, a height of 3.11 meters and a diameter of 3 meters, the Concordia 2000 is one of the largest bells in South Tyrol and the Alps. The bell clapper weighs 500 kilograms and makes a cis sound. The Concordia 2000 was designed by Paul dë Doss-Moroder from Val Gardena. In total, the bell tower is 21.8 metres high.

On the viewing platform in the Kronplatz ski area, on which this mighty bell stands, there is a bronze panorama relief with the names of the surrounding mountains and the cardinal points of the most important European cities.

The Concordia 2000 rings daily at 12.00 noon and when the death penalty is abolished in a country, when a convicted person has been pardoned or when a war is over!

Opening hours:
Monday- Sunday 9 am to 5 pm

Free entry!

Concordia 2000
Michael Pacher 11 A
39031 Bruneck
+39 0474-551500

Military Stone of the Romans | Olang

How to reach the Military Stone of the Romans

The roman miliary stone (201 a.C.) was found in 1958 by the Prugger brother while building the power station in Oberolang. The miliary stone stil reported the original incisions made by the roman Emperor Settimo Severo (193-211 a.C.) and his sonsCaracalla and Geta. Now the roman miliary stone is positioned near the Hotel Alte Goste in Oberolang/ Valdaora di Sopra.

Free entry!

39030 Oberolang
+39 0474 496277